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Rethinking the Regional – Art exhibition by Shlok at the National Gallery of Modern Art, Mumbai


Shlok along with the National Gallery of Modern Art (under the aegis of the Ministry of Culture, Government of India) is presenting ‘Rethinking the Regional’, an art exhibition showcasing works of regional artists spanning from the early 20th century until present times. Commencing in the first week of August, this exhibition will continue for six weeks there-forth. So come explore the assortment of vivid paintings and installations, and witness the glorious history and culture of Maharashtra.

Date: August 8, 2015 till September 20, 2015
Time: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Venue: National Gallery of Modern Art, Sir Cowasji Jahangir Public Hall, M G Road, Fort Mumbai – 400032

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Abalal Rahiman, PORTRAIT OF BOY WITH CAP AND JACKET, Water Colour, from the region of Kollhapur, Courtesy-Shri. Shashikant B. SolankurkarM.V. Shurandhar, FULL FIGURE OLD MAN, Water Colour, from the region of Kolhapur, Courtesy Sir J.J. School of Art, MumbaiNandkishor P. Saindane, VIOLENCE AN POLITICIAN III, Water colour on paper, from the region of MarathwadaV.G. Kulkarni, LANDSCAPE OF WANI, Oil Colour, from the region of Nashik, Courtesy-Shri. Laxmikant B. VarmaRethinking the Regional – Art exhibition by Shlok at the National Gallery of Modern Art, Mumbai